Tag Archives: anny

NEW SONG – Für Annalyse

To celebrate Anny and I’s 5 year anniversary…
I wrote/recorded her a song. I’ve intentionally never put someones name in one of my songs. After putting up with me for 5 years, I figured she’s earned it.
I was worried she wouldn’t like it. Thankfully, she loved it.

The art I used for the track is from a photo I found. I took it back in September 2013, when we were first dating. I was playing with my camera while Anny was doing her makeup down the hall.

Developed roll from 2014

I loaded my Nikon Fe with a roll of delta 400 back in 2014. I took a few shots with it at the beach. I guess I left it on, overnight by accident. Every time I went to take a photo. I remembered that the battery was dead. I kept forgetting about the camera and there it sat collecting dust for years.

I finally popped in some new batteries and finished the roll two weeks ago. I sent the roll over to The Darkroom last week.

Anny recommended I meter my shots at 320. I guess with color film it’s better to overexpose by a stop.

Unfortunately this roll didn’t come out too well. This one of missy is my favorite from the roll. I’ll post the other ones as well, but they’re too grainy and need some editing.

MISSY - Delta 400
Nikon FE – Tokina At-X 90mm f/2.5

This still of Missy is directly from the darkroom scans – no editing, just resizing.

D.I.Y. Studio Rack

I’ve had some extra rack units that I’ve wanted to setup. I started looking online for another rack case. Anything close to what I was looking for cost over $100. I didn’t need anything nice. So I looked up instructions for a DIY option. There were tons of ideas. I even found people using IKEA side tables for their rack gear.

Last Sunday, Anny and I went over to Lowe’s to pick up some wood. I just went with all the cheapest stuff, but it still ended up costing over $40. I used a power conditioner to measure the width.

I made some lines and used a handsaw to cut it up. Then yesterday after work, I picked up some nails and screws. I used the nails to line everything up. Then came back over the joints with a power drill and wood screws.

When it was time to mount the rack gear, I found these mini screws to drive in. The only issue is that I broke 6 trying to screw them in. I guess the wood is too hard.

It’s not pretty, but it works! All I got to do now is wire up everything to my patch bay.

Lobsterfest with Anny

Yesterday was our second time ever going to Lobsterfest, for Anny and myself. We had gone with friends a few years back, but it was miserably crowded. We were expecting it to be even worse this year.

We were shocked at how easy it was to find nearby parking. And when we walked to the front gate and there was no line! Once we were in we looked for the lobster meal tent. What took us over an hour to wait for previously, this year took no longer than 10 minutes. It was too good to be true. We shared a double lobster meal, but It wasn’t as good as it looked.

We were both confused at how mellow the festival was. The only issue was the beating sun. We were sure we were going to get burned, but we made out alright! We cleaned up and stayed for L.A.P.D. and Avid Dancer to perform. They both shredded away. On our way out we grabbed some Lobster Mac and Lobster Fries. We inhaled them and headed home. It was a great day with the booger lady<3

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