Developed roll from 2014

I loaded my Nikon Fe with a roll of delta 400 back in 2014. I took a few shots with it at the beach. I guess I left it on, overnight by accident. Every time I went to take a photo. I remembered that the battery was dead. I kept forgetting about the camera and there it sat collecting dust for years.

I finally popped in some new batteries and finished the roll two weeks ago. I sent the roll over to The Darkroom last week.

Anny recommended I meter my shots at 320. I guess with color film it’s better to overexpose by a stop.

Unfortunately this roll didn’t come out too well. This one of missy is my favorite from the roll. I’ll post the other ones as well, but they’re too grainy and need some editing.

MISSY - Delta 400
Nikon FE – Tokina At-X 90mm f/2.5

This still of Missy is directly from the darkroom scans – no editing, just resizing.