Category Archives: random


Ok, Here we go. 2020 is going to be good. More music, More fun, less bullshit.

Happy New Year!

I guess I’m a little late on that.
2019 has been a lot of fun so far.
I have a lot of stuff in the works.

Right as December had started I released a new song – “Extricating”.
I didn’t hype it up as much as I should have.
Check it out!


BUY MY SHIRT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So this animation took me HOURS and HOURS in After Effects.

I didn’t mind, I was cracking up the whole time.

The trickiest part was looping the dance move. Once I precomposed that, the motion tracking took zero time. I’d say the most time-consuming part was automating the strobe text. It had to be done though, It was too boring on the left there.

Been Busy

I’ve been slammed at work the last couple weeks. I don’t want to jinx it but I think I’ve officially finished drums and bass tracks for the record. 3 years in the making, UGH. I just need to listen back to the tracks and make sure there are no issues. There’s one song that’s IF-y, but I’m going to try and remix it.

Lobsterfest with Anny

Yesterday was our second time ever going to Lobsterfest, for Anny and myself. We had gone with friends a few years back, but it was miserably crowded. We were expecting it to be even worse this year.

We were shocked at how easy it was to find nearby parking. And when we walked to the front gate and there was no line! Once we were in we looked for the lobster meal tent. What took us over an hour to wait for previously, this year took no longer than 10 minutes. It was too good to be true. We shared a double lobster meal, but It wasn’t as good as it looked.

We were both confused at how mellow the festival was. The only issue was the beating sun. We were sure we were going to get burned, but we made out alright! We cleaned up and stayed for L.A.P.D. and Avid Dancer to perform. They both shredded away. On our way out we grabbed some Lobster Mac and Lobster Fries. We inhaled them and headed home. It was a great day with the booger lady<3

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