L2A DIYRE Re-Amplifier – Kit Build

This past week I cleaned up my home recording rig. I wired up some old outboard gear I’ve been neglecting. I organized my cables and I was in the market for a Re-Amp box. The cheapest ones around were $100. I can’t imagine they’re that complicated, so I looked online for a schematic. I thought I might be able to just build one myself. Unfortunately, I couldn’t find enough information about the transformers required.

Then I found DIY.RE ! For $50 they’ll send you a kit to build your own passive re-amp. I ordered one last week. It showed up yesterday. When I got home I put it together.

It took more time setting up my tools than assembling the box (an hour total). I plugged it into my rig last night and it works! I’m excited. It’s going to be a big help, mixing down my record.